Fiberglass & GIS Specialist
About WDN
PT Wana Dirga Nusantara (WDN for abbreviation) is a company that specialize in Fiberglass installation and accessories. WDN business model is B2B (business to business), where the core activities will be Fiberglass Tank and Pipe Supply & Services and Maintenance. Additional manufacturing for Fiberglass accessories products for all needs in Power, Industrial, Oil & Gas.
Words from Management
PT. Wana Dirga Nusantara ( WDN ) was founded to serve the Indonesian power, industrial, oil and gas industry. WDN pioneered fiberglass supply and service to each production office in Indonesia. And organized a worldwide infrastructure to support local operators with factory warranty and technical assistance.
WDN has responded to each demand successfully, to the satisfaction of both client and manufacture confirm their satisfaction with the our organization by entrusting the exclusive representation and or distribution of the equipment and services.
Today WDN continues to expand its services to include representation of manythe world’s major oil and gas equipment manufacturers focusing on high tech solutions.
News Articles
Project contoh fiberglass
IntroductionFiberglass reinforced thermosetting plastic (“fiberglass”) first became a viable alternative to protected steel, stainless steel and exotic materials in 1948. That year centrifugal cast fiberglass piping was first used in the crude oil production...
Membanggakan, Indonesia Ekspor Perdana Pipa Fiberglass Berdiameter 3,4 Meter ke AS
TRIBUNNEWS.COM, JAKARTA - Di tengah lesunya industri manufaktur, kabar baik datang dari industri pipa fiber nasional. Untuk pertama kalinya, Indonesia melakukan ekspor perdana 900 pipa komposit serat kaca (fiberglass) ke Amerika Serikat (AS)...
RI Ekspor Pipa Fiberglass Raksasa ke AS, Direktur Energi Kita: Membanggakan Sekali
WE Online, Jakarta - Menteri Perindustrian Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita meresmikan ekspor perdana pipa fiberglass produksi Future Pipe Industries (FPI) ke Amerika Serikat, di Tangerang, Banten, Rabu (26/2/2020). Pipa raksasa berdiameter 3,4 meter...
Why Us
Construction Permit Licensed
ISO 45001:2018 Certified
ISO 9001:2015 Certified
Head Office
Jalan Ciputat Raya No.45, Kby Lama. Kota Jakarta Selatan
Call Us
(021) 27820757